Unlock the Power of Modern Web Development with Our Nuxt3, Vue3, and Vuetify3 Sample Website


Are you looking for a cutting-edge website template to kickstart your next web development project? Look no further! Our Nuxt3, Vue3, and Vuetify3 sample website is designed to provide you with a robust foundation for building stunning, responsive websites. Whether you’re a developer seeking a starting point or a business owner wanting a modern web presence, this template is perfect for you.

Demo: gihandilanka.com

Note: Please use the latest Node.js versions like v20 or later versions.
After you downloaded, unzip it first, then run the below commands inside the root folder.

npm install
npm run dev

Now you can run the site in the browser http://localhost:3000

Why Choose Nuxt3, Vue3, and Vuetify3?

Nuxt3 is a powerful framework that extends Vue.js, providing server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) capabilities. It’s ideal for creating high-performance, SEO-friendly applications. Vue3 offers a reactive and component-based architecture that makes building interactive UIs a breeze. Vuetify3 is a comprehensive Material Design component library that helps you create visually appealing and consistent designs.

Together, these technologies ensure your website is not only functional but also sleek and user-friendly.

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